Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Terremoto en Chile Earthquake in Chile -September 17, 2015

This notice came from the mission office the morning of September 17, a few hours after the earthquake September 16, 2015.  first it showed up in Spanish, then it came in English and made a little more sense to us.
I had already visited with Sara's friends Valeska and Eva from her ward in Vina. So we knew she was safe. They are such dear ladies to contact me and let me know Sara was ok.  

Querido familia de Hermana Coray ,

 Anoche, pasó un terremoto aquí en la misión Chile Viña del Mar. Les informamos que TODOS los misioneros(as) están bien. TODOS tienen acceso a agua y comida. Sus casas son lugares seguros y todo está bien.

 Si tiene preguntas, sientese libre de preguntar por correo a 2011662@ldschurch.org

 Le agradecemos y sentimos sus oraciónes para con nosotros.
Elder Webster
Secretario Ejecutivo
Misión Chile Viña del Mar

Dear family of Sister Coray ,

 There has been a large earthquake here in the limits of our mission. We are happy to informe that ALL missionaries are safe and accounted for. We appreciate your pacience in recieiving this news. All missionaries have access to plenty of water and food. Their homes and things are all safe and sound.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at 2011662@ldschurch.org

 We apreciate and feel your prayers on our behalf.

 Elder Webster
Executive Secretary
Chile Vina del Mar Mission

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